Eucharistic Adoration is the adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist. It is an act of reverence shown to Jesus when a consecrated host is placed on a sacred vessel called Monstrance for us to adore.
Devotion of Christ real presence in the Eucharist began after the Council of Trent in 1551. During the Council of Trent, Christ real presence was defined and clarified:
“The Church of God has always believed that immediately after the consecration the true Body and Blood of our Lord, together with His soul and divinity, exist under the species of bread and wine. His Body exists under the species of bread and His Blood under the species of wine according to the import of the words. But His Body exists under the species of wine, His Blood under the species of bread, and His soul under both species in virtue of the natural connection and concomitance which unite the parts of Christ our Lord, who has risen from the dead and dies now no more.”
Pope Clement VIII in 1592 authorized and encouraged the “Forty Hours Devotion”, which gradually spread throughout the Catholic world. Proposed by the Code of Canon Law in 1917, the new Code states that in churches or oratories where the Eucharist is reserved, “it is recommended (commendatur) . . . that there be held each year a solemn exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for an appropriate, even if not for a continuous, time so that the local community may more attentively meditate on and adore the Eucharistic Mystery” (Canon 942).
St. Mary Magdalene offers the opportunity to participate in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Thursday from 4-7 pm and every First Friday from 6-8 pm. We have a committed group of parishioners that adore for hour intervals both days. St. Mary Magdalene would like to extend our invitation to others to participate in this devotion either by visiting or by becoming an adorer.
We need the spiritual food of the Eucharist, the spiritual rest of meditation and the spiritual air of prayer. Please join us.
For additional information, please contact Nikki Walick at 404-644-4248 or email at
Adoration Times
All Thursdays: 4 – 7pm
First Fridays: 6 – 8pm
Guidelines for EM’s Exposing and Reposing
Adorer’s Packet
Opening Prayer
The Divine Praises
Adoration Of The Blessed Sacrament