Category Archives: News

Help Needed with Dusting Angels

The Dusting Angels meet each Monday morning after Mass to lightly dust, vacuum and straighten the sanctuary and narthex. We are in need of help! We are finished in less than an hour. All ages are welcome, and training and “wings” are provided. Please contact Sergio Partida at 678.983.8547 or

St Mary’s Academy – Employment Opportunity

St Mary’s Academy has a job opening.


We are seeking a proven fundraiser and grant writer to work with the school’s administration as a part-time advancement coordinator. Working with the leadership team, the advancement coordinator is charged with creating a culture of philanthropy, focused on the Annual Fund/#igiveCatholic, grant writing, marketing the school’s message to the surrounding community and other fund-raising initiatives. With a primary focus on donor strategy, the advancement coordinator leads the efforts to engage and to strengthen relationships with current and new supporters, increase financial investment in St. Mary’s Academy and create donor-related print and electronic materials. Strong oral and written communication skills, outstanding organizational abilities and a willingness to collaborate to achieve goals are essential qualities. Exceptional interpersonal skills and the ability to develop relationships of hospitality, trust and confidentiality are critical. At least three years of relevant experience and a related degree are desirable. St. Mary’s Academy offers a competitive salary and benefits package in a drug-free environment.
Please send a resume and letter of interest to JoAnn McPherson at No calls please.

Buscamos un recaudador de fondos y redactor de subvenciones de experiencia comprobada para trabajar con la administración de la escuela como coordinador de promoción a tiempo parcial. Trabajando con el equipo de liderazgo, el coordinador de promoción está a cargo de crear una cultura de filantropía, centrada en el Fondo Anual/#igiveCatholic, la redacción de subvenciones, la comercialización del mensaje de la escuela a la comunidad circundante y otras iniciativas de recaudación de fondos. Con un enfoque principal en la estrategia de donantes, el coordinador de promoción lidera los esfuerzos para involucrar y fortalecer las relaciones con los patrocinadores actuales y nuevos, aumentar la inversión financiera en St. Mary’s Academy y crear materiales impresos y electrónicos relacionados con los donantes. Fuertes habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita, excelentes habilidades organizativas y una voluntad de colaborar para lograr objetivos son cualidades esenciales. Las habilidades interpersonales excepcionales y la capacidad de desarrollar relaciones de hospitalidad, confianza y confidencialidad son fundamentales. Al menos tres años de experiencia relevante y un título relacionado son deseables. St. Mary’s Academy ofrece un salario competitivo y un paquete de beneficios en un entorno libre de drogas.
Envíe su currículum y una carta de interés a JoAnn McPherson a No llame por teléfono.

Nursery Schedule


We are still in need of volunteers for the Nursery.  Below is the updated Nursery Schedule:

Sunday, February 2, 2025 – 9:00 am 

Sunday, February 9, 2025  – 9:00 am

Sunday, February 16, 2025 – 9:00 am

Sunday, February 23, 2025 – CLOSED



Pray for Vocation – Elijah Cup

  • The purpose of the Elijah Cup Program is to encourage families to pray for and promote vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. When we pray for vocations, we lift up to our Father those men and women whom He is calling to follow Him in a very special way. We are able to accommodate two families per week.  A SignUpGenius is available with the following link or scan this QR code:



Help Needed!!!

Golf Cart Drivers needed.
Looking for the perfect opportunity to welcome parishioners back to Mass? Anxious to enjoy the Spring weather? Willing to demonstrate your skills as a Driver? Have I got a deal for you. The Golf Cart Ministry is looking for a few good (being politically correct) persons. The job is not difficult if you have the ability to smile and the desire to lend a hand. Wada Ya Say? OJT is available if desired. Call or text Pete at 404-597-7065 or, email me at for details.
Golf Cart(s) needed for Easter.
Have you got a Golf Cart yearning to explore new territories? A four or six seater Cart needing some exercise? Easter Sunday places demands on the SMM Cart service that a single cart cannot handle. If you have a cart that you’re willing to lend to the Cart Committee, I will arrange pick-up and return delivery and house the cart overnight in the garage. We have safe, professional Drivers and will handle your cart as though it was ours. How can you go wrong? We might even wash it if you ask! Please let me know asap so we can avoid renting a cart or carts. Call or text Pete at 404-597-7065 or, email me at if you can help.
Ushers needed.
Besides the Golf Cart driver, who greets you warmly as you arrive for Mass? The question is rhetorical as you already know the answer. It’s the Ushers. Did you notice that it’s the same four or five men and women at each Mass? Yup, the loss of ushers for a wide variety of reasons has left the 5, 9 and Noon Teams with minimal crews. However, this creates several golden opportunities for YOU to demonstrate your skills. The job is really easy. You’re going to be there anyway. Why not help out occasionally? We have a Retirement Plan; Medical Benefits; Vacation Plan; 401K Plan; Stock Options and On-the-Job Training. Not really….. but we do have FUN. For the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass contact Pete @ 404-597-7065 or; for the 9:00 am and Noon Sunday Masses contact Tom Henniger @ 404-423-3386 or OR David Keller @ 678-898-4928 or respectively.

Sir Knight Thomas Hanford Memorial Scholarship

Sir Knight Thomas Hanford Memorial Scholarship

We are excited to announce the kickoff of our annual scholarship program.  The
scholarships are available to parishioners of SMM, members of Knights of Columbus Council 12862, and immediate family members of either.

The applications are available online at, there will also be a link on the SMM website, paper copies are available upon request.  All applications are due by Sunday December 1st.  Please note that these awards are intended for full time
students enrolled at a Catholic school for the school year covered in this application. $500 Scholarships will be awarded for 4 categories: Preschool through 5th Grade, Middle School (6th-8th), High School (9th-12th) and College. 

All questions or requests for further information should be forwarded to:

Sean Mulvaney
Scholarship Chairman