Category Archives: News

25 Hours of Eucharistic Adoration – September 27-28

There will be 25 hours of Eucharistic Adoration starting this Friday at 3 pm and ending on Saturday at 4 pm.  We invite all individuals and families to spend at least 25 minutes in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  Use the URL or QR code below to secure your 25-minute slot for Eucharistic Adoration and let us together embrace this chance for spiritual nourishment and peace.  If the time slot that best suits your schedule is taken, please still come.  All parishioners are welcome and feel free to invite family and friends from neighboring churches to attend as well.  The Knights of Columbus will serve as guards for parishioners and the Eucharist throughout the entirety of this program.

KOC Golf Tournament – October 11

The Knights are hosting their 18th annual Charity Golf Tournament on Friday, October 11th.  Information for interested golfers or sponsors is on the Parish website.  Additionally, there are trifolds on the table in the Narthex that you can take with all key information.  The Knights have raised over $197,000 for local charities over the last 17 years.  Please help them continue to help those in need in our Community!

The cost is $90 per person and can be paid online at or by mailing to the following individual. Make checks payable to Knights of Columbus #12862.

Ken Kula
73 Spring Forest Trail
Sharpsburg, GA 30277
(770) 317-1581

SMMCCW Welcome Back Luncheon

You are not going to want to miss our Welcome Back Luncheon.  Parishioners Liz and Elissa Lotter will be sharing their spiritual journey along the Camino.  We’ll also have our Secret Prayer Partner Reveal and unveil our annual Calendar of Events.  The
luncheon is $25 per person and you can register on line at  Registration deadline is 9/8. 

For questions, contact

Fall Mum Sale

The SMM CCW is sponsoring a Fall Mum Sale.  The 10” potted plants are available in red, yellow, bronze and lavender colors.  Plants are $15.00 each.  The last day to place your order is September 4th.  Orders can be placed online at or in person in the Narthex during the weekend of 8/24-25, or via a paper order form that can be found in the CCW mailbox in the ministry closet. 

For questions, contact

EMHC Recertification Classes

There will be recertification classes for EMHC on the following dates and times:

August 11th after 9am Mass.

August 11th after 12:00pm Mass.

August 17th after the 5 pm class.

We will meet in the church.

We will also be taking photos of our ministry for our 25th St. Mary Magdalene Anniversary.  Please make every effort to come, and please let us know if you cannot attend one of the classes.  If you have any questions, please contact Theresa Weeks at 770.463.4606 or

25th Anniversary Abby’s Angel Closet Drive

Join us in honoring Abby Bacho and celebrating our St. Mary Magdalene’s 25th Anniversary by collecting items for a school drive.  Please bring any of the following items and place them in the collection box in the Narthex the weekend of July 27-28.  Items needed include mechanical pencils with lead, Sharpies, thin or thick markers, composition books (wide or college), Crayola crayons – 24 count, colored pencils, pencil top erasers, tab dividers, dry erase markers, backpacks, lunch boxes, and clear water bottles.  Thank you in advance for your support.