25th Anniversary Eucharistic Adoration – January 26 – 27

Dear Parishioners,

We extend a heartfelt invitation to each of you to participate in our 25th Anniversary Eucharistic Adoration program on Friday, January 26 and Saturday, January 27. We are encouraging individuals and families to spend 25 minutes in Adoration, and you have 25 hours to do it! Spending time in Adoration provides a sacred space for reflection, prayer, and communion with the divine. It’s a profound opportunity to deepen your spiritual connection and find solace in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Your presence is invaluable, and your commitment to this sacred practice strengthens our faith community. Whether it’s for a few moments or an hour, your presence matters. Take a picture of the QR code or click/type in the URL below to secure your 25-minute slot for Eucharistic Adoration and let us together embrace this chance for spiritual nourishment and peace. If the time slot that best suits your schedule is already booked, please still come. All parishioners are welcome and feel free to invite family and friends from neighboring churches to attend as well. Your dedication adds to the collective prayers that enrich our parish. Join us in this spiritual journey and experience the transformative power of Adoration. Blessings!
