Archbishop’s Annual Appeal

“Peace and All Good! In the Holy Eucharist, the heart of Christ is poured out for us in the greatest act of love that this world has ever known. In His Presence is where we all find joy and peace, as well as comfort and consolation. Just as Christ gives Himself to us in the Eucharist, by your sacrificial giving to the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal to serve our brothers and sisters, you become Eucharist for others, making His love present throughout north and central Georgia. Please prayerfully consider how you can continue Christ’s work and spread His love throughout our archdiocese by supporting this year’s Appeal. Thank you for your generosity and for the many ways in which you preach the Gospel each day by your lives of love and sacrifice.”
Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv.

To donate, you can click on the icon at the bottom of the page or click on link below. Please be sure to select St. Mary Magdalene Parish so your donation is credited accordingly.